Indiana Renaissance Faire October 6-7, 2018


It was a great weekend. a bit muddy, but that just added to the festival ambiance.  It was a tad bit on the hot side but that didn’t damper a thing. Many people dressed in all kinds of outfits ranging from full on ren faire to prisoner attire.   This was our first show we had a nice selection of bracers and got to bring our triangle grid, to hang all our hanging merchandise, which allowed that merch. to be displayed much better then at previous shows. Had I known they sold wine here I would have definitely made more wine bottle carriers! Met a lady who had shopped with us before at the Kings Island Winterfest in Cincinnati last year, glad to know we are getting around lol. If you are one of the many folks that ask about custom orders, please fill out the form on the contact us page. Also, if you saw something in our booth not listed on the website, please fill out the form on the contact page.  Thanks again for coming out and seeing us. Keep up to  date on shows and festivals by visiting the events page



Thanks again for joining us ! – Azure Dragon Works

 and Captain Bob’s Emporium


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